Technology use as problem behavior
There is growing consensus that internet gaming, social media use and other forms of internet use can be targets of behavior disorders and perhaps behavioral addictions. In A Behavior Analytic Perspective on Treatment of Problem Gaming and Problem Social Media Use, we reviewed treatment research that was designed to address problem gaming and discussed some ways behavior analysts might contribute to these emerging areas.
The article is part of a special section and topical collection in The Psychological Record about the Behavioral Psychology of Cell Phone Use.
In March of 2021, I summarized part of our work in a webinar What We Know About Treating Problem Gaming, hosted by Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use. A recording of the webinar is available on vimeo, and there are lots of other fantastic resources on!
The article is part of a special section and topical collection in The Psychological Record about the Behavioral Psychology of Cell Phone Use.
In March of 2021, I summarized part of our work in a webinar What We Know About Treating Problem Gaming, hosted by Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use. A recording of the webinar is available on vimeo, and there are lots of other fantastic resources on!